SEASON 2023/24
This guidelines governs the use and access to the Cetilar® Arena in Pisa, in accordance with the provisions of the Decrees of the Minister of the Interior of 18 March 1996, of the decree of 6 June 2005 and subsequent amendments and additions.
Pursuant to this regulation, the term sports facility refers to all relevant areas including the external reserved area.
1. The purchase of the ticket valid for access to and permanence in the Stadium area entails implicit acceptance of these Regulations as well as of the “access code and regulation of tickets”.
2. Failure to comply will result in the immediate termination of the performance contract, with the consequent expulsion of the offender from the stadium, as well as the application of a pecuniary administrative sanction ranging from 100 to 500 euros (if the offender is already sanctioned, in the same sporting season also in a different facility, for the same violation of the regulations of use, the sanction can be increased up to half the maximum and a ban on access to sporting events can be imposed) and the further consequences provided for by the Law, by the regulations for this purpose issued by the FIGC, by the relevant Football League, as well as those under the jurisdiction of the PISA SPORTING CLUB.
3. By purchasing the admission ticket to the Stadium, the spectator implicitly authorizes the Public Security Authority to carry out checks on his person and, against anyone who refuses to submit to said checks, to prevent him from entering the structure or to carry out its removal.
Therefore, during access and for the entire time they remain in the Stadium, holders of a regular admission ticket, which must be kept until exiting the Stadium and shown, at any time, upon request by the personnel in charge, may be subject to to checks.
4. Access to the stadium is governed by the rules mentioned above and, in particular, by the following provisions:
4.1 The access ticket is personal and will be issued only after registration of the purchaser’s personal data and cannot be transferred to third parties without prior communication to the Club of the new user’s details for registration.
Any access ticket sold illegally will be confiscated by the police.
4.2 To access the stadium, possession of a valid identity document is required, to be shown upon request by company staff, to verify the correspondence between the holder of the coupon and the holder of the same.
4.3 The spectator has the right/duty to occupy the assigned seat.
4.4 Access to the stadium may involve the subjecting of the interested party to prevention and safety checks on the person and the inspection of any accompanying bags and containers, aimed exclusively at preventing the introduction into the stadium of illicit, prohibited or capable of inducing or provoking acts
of violence, carried out by the Public Security Authority, also by stewards and by means of metal detectors.
4.5 The spectator is required to always follow the instructions provided by the stewards.
4.6 Specifically, by way of example and not exhaustively, the introduction into the stadium of:
Stones, marbles, glass bottles, cans, jerry cans, PET bottles, metal lighters, frozen substances as well as all other objects suitable for throwing; – objects that can be used as weapons, such as flag poles, camera stands, sticks, hammers, screwdrivers, chains, etc.; – umbrellas (e.g except for pocket-sized ones) – motorcycle helmets; – bulky luggage such as iceboxes, suitcases, etc. – systems for emitting light rays, animals, with the exception of guide dogs for the blind or rescue dogs.
Anyone found in possession of such materials, or other prohibited materials, will be denied access and will be accompanied to the exit, without prejudice to the provisions of the jurisdiction of the Judicial and Public Security Authorities.
5. It is strictly forbidden:
5.1 Introduce or put on sale alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content greater than 5%, except for authorizations in derogation for particular areas issued by the competent authority, subject to the favorable opinion of the Police Commissioner.
5.2 More than one person goes through the turnstiles at a time.
5.3 Climbing over fences, separators and structures.
5.4 Lingering unnecessarily at the entrances or exit routes, passages and corridors of the Stadium.
5.5 Use disguises that do not allow you to distinguish your face.
5.6 Invasion of the pitch, entry into prohibited areas.
5.7 Entering the Stadium while under the influence of alcohol.
5.8 Taking substances that can alter normal behavior and/or entering the Stadium under their influence.
5.9 Climbing the stadium structures, damaging or tampering in any way with the structures, infrastructures and services of the stadium.
5.10 Introduce sound diffusion instruments, different from those authorized in the memorandum of understanding of 04.08.2017 (*) and if not
expressly authorized in the manner indicated in paragraph 13 below.
5.11 Introduce and display banners and any other material similar to them (banners, drawings, printed material, etc.) including that for choreographies, unless expressly authorized in the manner indicated in paragraph 13 below.
5.12 Introduce or display placards, banners, flags, documents, drawings, printed material and banners containing propaganda for political, ideological or religious doctrines, assertions or concepts that incite racial, ethnic or religious hatred or that may hinder the smooth running of the competition , carry out any form of racial, ethnic or religious discrimination, or carry out chants or other manifestations of intolerance.
5.13 Racist chants, offensive acts, threatening or violent behavior or abusive language. Such behavior is sanctioned with expulsion from the stadium, without prejudice to the application of further consequences provided for by the Law.
6. It is also prohibited:
6.1 Stop in the filtering area (turnstile/stands), near passages, exits, entrances, along access routes, escape routes and any other escape route.
6.2 Stand on the seats, or along the sorting routes.
6.3 Enter or park any type of vehicle in places other than the areas designated for their parking.
6.4 Conduct commercial or promotional activities, display advertising material, collect donations, unless previously authorized and regulated by current safety regulations, under penalty of confiscation of the material subject to said prohibited activities.
6.5 Throw away rubbish or other waste material in places not intended for this purpose.
6.6 Carry out physiological needs outside the designated toilet facilities.
THE PISA SPORTING CLUB reserves the right to withdraw and/or block the season ticket or entry ticket in case of violation of the above provisions.
7. Among the behaviors that constitute criminal cases, we recall the crimes indicated in the art. 6, paragraph I, of law 13.12.1989, n° 401, and subsequent amendments, and in particular those relating to misrepresentation, the display of emblems symbols of associations that spread discrimination or violence for racial, ethnic,
national or religious, incitement to violence during competitive competitions, as well as the throwing of dangerous material.
8. The system is controlled by an audio-video recording system positioned both inside and outside, the data of which are processed according to the provisions of the Legislative Decree of 30 June 2003, No. 196 and of and by the Ministerial Decree. 06/06/2005 The processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with the law.
The data controller is the President of the PISA SPORTING CLUB.
9. The PISA SPORTING CLUB. is not liable, unless the fact is directly attributable to it, for losses, accidents or damage to people or things inside the stadium and/or in the surrounding areas.
In the event of a deferred or canceled event, the refund will take place in accordance with the provisions of the entry ticket purchase contract. The club will have no other obligation other than that of refunding the ticket. The refund or replacement of the ticket will take place
only upon presentation of the same.
10.It is not permitted to introduce into the stadium, except for authorized persons, equipment capable of recording and transmitting digitally or on any other media.
11. During their stay in the stadium, spectators must “imperatively” follow the instructions of the PISA SPORTING CLUB staff, the police forces and the service
of authorized order. Anyone caught damaging or defacing the stadium or club property may be expelled from the stadium and reported to the police.
12. The opening of the gates normally takes place 2 hours before the start of the race.
The turnstiles at the access gates are structured to allow smooth and rapid entry of the public staggered over a period of at least 90 minutes. Given this, to avoid long queues at the entrances, which could also jeopardize the viewing of the match right from the start, the paying public is advised to arrive early
as much as possible.
13. The display of banners and the execution of permitted choreographies must be requested at least seven days before the competition from the PISA SPORTING CLUB company which, with the authorization of the G.O.S. manager, will provide any authorization which can also be extended throughout the football season. The banners
authorized and/or the material for the choreography must be introduced into the Stadium, through a specially designated gate, at least one hour before the opening of the gates.
Unless otherwise advised by the Public Security Authority, only flags bearing only the club colors of your own team and those of the States represented on the pitch may be introduced, without prior authorisation, which are not of such a size as to cause annoyance to other spectators and that they use as an auction
Lightweight plastic material. (*) Only drums and megaphones are permitted as sound and acoustic instruments.
The introduction follows the same rules as for banners. The GOS, having assessed the environmental context, will issue the authorization provided that:
• The number is proportionate to the size of the sector;
• The drums have a single beat;
• The contact person is previously identified during the GOS.
• 14. Non-ambulatory disabled people, admitted to attend the race in the number and in the manner established by the PISA SPORTING CLUB Company,
they must be hosted exclusively in the sector reserved for them. Purchasing in other sectors is not permitted,
NB: The company declines all responsibility for any purchases in sectors outside of those indicated by the company.
SPECIFICATION: It is also strictly forbidden, without prior written authorization from the National Serie B League (LNPB), to record, transmit or in any case exploit:
– audio, visual or audiovisual content of the match (except for your own personal and private use)
– any data, statistics and/or description of the match (other than for your own non-commercial purposes).